Episode Archives

Arrival and Cooperation at Crime Scene

The first officers on any scene can be faced with chaos in trying to secure the scene, check for signs of life, and separate witnesses. Not to mention trying to make initial determination as to what other assistance may be needed and starting an investigation.  Add all of this to having to cooperate with other…

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Live Training – Death Scene Investigation

In this episode of Coroner Talk™  I give you a sample portion of a live training  I  did on Death Scene Investigation.  This course is an eight hour course that was recently  held in Cass County Missouri;  of the eight hour training, this is a one hour portion  of the day.   The recording will…

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Cold Case Investigation

Subsequent to the original murder case Cain vs. Abel, there have always been a small percentage of murders that were unsolved for a variety of case-specific reasons. There have also always been detectives who’d occasionally look back at “the one that got away,” but the idea of dedicating a group of professionals to work solely…

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Standardizing Crime Scene Investigations

Crime scene investigation is an indispensable part of our work, which will have a direct impact on the success of the criminal investigation.  With Technological progress and changes in Social situations, scene investigation work is facing unprecedented challenges. The standardization of the crime scene investigation should be the goal of  all police agencies. Therefore, promoting the…

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An expert  is someone widely recognized as a reliable source of technique or skill whose faculty for judging or deciding rightly, justly, or wisely is accorded authority and status by peers or the public in a specific well-distinguished domain. An expert, more generally, is a person with extensive knowledge or ability based on research, experience, or…

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Using Plants in Criminal Investigations

We have all heard about the science of Botany, but have you ever considered just how important it can be in solving your case? For instance;  how plant cells from stomach contents can discredit an alibi, or how one seed in the shoe lace of a suspect can bring an unknown serial murderer to justice,…

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Crime Scene Bio-Hazards

Many investigators are unaware of the extreme risks that are present when dealing with blood and bodily fluids. There are many bloodborne pathogen (BBP) infections that can be transmitted through contact with another person’s blood or bodily fluid that may contain blood including, but not limited to, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. Most exposures…

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Community Benefit Chaplain Program

Does coroner and medical examiner office’s  need a chaplain program? What benefit could it have for your staff, your community, and the families you serve? Traditionally, a chaplain is a minister, such as a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam or lay representative of a religious tradition, attached to a secular institution such as a hospital, prison,…

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You Are Living in a Fish Bowl

  As investigators and “public servants” you  are  living in a glass fish bowl; everyone is watching us. This may not be a popular statement but its true, its not just your job performance but your personal life as well. It’s often said that no other profession demands a higher ethical standards than that of law…

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Writing The Final Chapter

Your investigation is only as good as the report that supports it. The coroner’s report focuses on a medical examination or autopsy of the body at a morgue and on the scene, to determine the cause of death. But investigators with the coroner’s office also frequently gather other information, such as interviewing family members, acquaintances of the…

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