Handwriting is more than a personality-type indicator. Handwriting is brain writing; the communication transaction concludes with a tangible time-stamped view of a person’s inner thoughts and emotions
Twenty Reasons why to use handwriting as a supplement to pre-employment screens, interviewing for internal positions, forensic interviews, recruiting screens, and investigations.
- Dr. Doscher’s method …is noninvasive
- …is a screening tool for truthful and deceptive statements.
- …recognizes and differentiates truth and deception from the truth and cognitive load.
- …is not a subjective analysis based on correlations.
- …is an individualized, measurable analysis, specific to the person writing the statement.
- …is an analytical screening method.
- …is brain activity on paper.
- …is not language specific; it has been tested in 5 languages!
- …addresses the unpredictable nature of human behavior.
- …presents a time-stamped, tangible representation of a person’s cognitive responses.
- …indirectly measure of neuro-psychological responses.
- …is applied before initial interviews/interrogations.
- …statements may be written on lined or unlined paper, with a pen or a pencil.
- …statements may be written in cursive or print.
- …baselines are obtained simultaneously with the written statement.
- … is not tolerant to manipulative behaviors, found in sex offenders and repeat criminals.
- …results are not race or gender dependent.
- …results are based on intra-subject ratios.
- …samples are not compared or based on other subjects’ behaviors.
- …results are presented as court-ready documents.
Full description and explanation during the full audio podcast
Episode Quest
Michelle Doscher, PhD has 25+ years combined experience in various areas of investigative work, encompassing chemical analyses, crime scene investigations, expert testimony, research and development, forensic interviewing, and instruction/training.
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