Many investigators are unaware of the extreme risks that are present when dealing with blood and bodily fluids. There are many bloodborne pathogens (BBP) infections that can be transmitted through contact with another person’s blood or bodily fluid that may contain blood including but not limited to, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. Most exposures are caused by a lack of universal precautions on some level, whether they are the result of failure to use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) or are due to an unintentional sharp left in an inappropriate container for disposal.
Once you look at some crime scene bio-hazards statistics you will have a new respect of crime scene protection. The caution here is; don’t let the day to day work desensitize you from the real dangers of blood and body fluids.
Some Statistics
1 out of every 24 people has Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV.
That’s a pretty sobering statistic, but very real. Here are the CDC stats to prove it:
1 in every 26 people has Hepatitis B.
- Approximately 12 million Americans have been infected with Hepatitis B.
- Over 1.4 million are chronically infected.
- About 50% of the people in the United States with Hepatitis B are unaware of their infection.
- Up to 100,000 new people will be infected each year.
- Approximately 5,000 people will die each year from Hepatitis B and its’ complications.
- Hepatitis B is 100 times more infectious than the AIDS virus.
- The virus is transmitted through contact with the blood or other body fluids of an infected person.
1 in every 77 people has Hepatitis C.
- Approximately 3.2 million people in the United States have Hepatitis C.
- Over 75% of the people in the United States with Hepatitis C are unaware of their infection.
- Hepatitis C is the most common bloodborne pathogen infection in the US.
- Hepatitis C is the most common cause of death from liver disease.
1 out of every 258 people has HIV.
- There are an estimated 1.1 million people living with HIV in the United States.
- 1 out of 5 are unaware of their infection.
- There are 50,000 new HIV diagnoses every year.
- Every 9.5 minutes someone in the United States is infected with HIV.
- Over 25% of people living with HIV or AIDS also has Hepatitis
Sources: Centers for Disease Control, WHO
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The Death Investigation Training Academy was founded to play an integral role in the death investigation community. The need for quality accredited training is in short supply and high demand. Using a combination of classroom training, live on site scenario exercises, and web-based training, the Death Investigation Training Academy is filling the need of 21st-century investigators.
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